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Eden park
primary and nursery school

Eden Park Primary School Statement - 16th May 2024


Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we know that the school being closed would have impacted families in different ways. We were so pleased to receive our Year 6 children as usual; they worked incredibly hard to complete their final SAT mathematics test. Again, thank you to all our families for supporting the school.

Moving forward, we are pleased to say that we are able to open the school for all classes tomorrow, Friday 17th May. We have now received a water delivery which will allow us to provide limited water to all children throughout the day. Therefore, we ask that children come to school with their own water as we have limited resources for refilling. If your child requires more water than this, please provide this yourselves. The water fountains around the school site are all shut-off and, therefore, will not be in use.

We have asked South West Water to deliver an adequate daily supply so that we can continue to offer a minimum of one refill each day to the children whilst this current situation continues. We shall continue to follow the guidance given to us by UKHSA and South West Water.

Once again, thank you for continued understanding and support.
The Eden Park Primary and Nursery Team


At Eden Park Primary & Nursery School we place children at the centre of what we do. We work hard to create a friendly, inviting and stimulating environment for children to thrive, and couple this with high expectations and a determination that children will succeed.

Our work is driven by our five school values of independence, creativity, respect, wellbeing and teamwork. Our children learn to become confident, assured, resilient, polite and imaginative; equipped for life.

"We are so pleased with our child’s progress. Her confidence has grown so much, and she has become so much more independent." (School report PARENT FEEDBACK, 2022)
"Eden Park is a great school. All the teachers and supporting staff are very caring and committed to bringing out the best they possibly can in our children."  (Parent Survey, 2020)
"Eden Park is a happy, welcoming school that fosters a love of learning. Parents typically describe the school as 'a supportive and caring school that aims to get the best out of its pupils." (Ofsted, 2017)
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address Eden Park Primary and Nursery School
Eden Park

phone 01803 854011
