Pastoral Care
"A strong culture of safeguarding is evident in the school. The pastoral team follows up concerns swiftly and is relentless in pursuing support for families." (Ofsted, 2017)
Here at Eden Park Primary and Nursery School, every child matters and all children need to feel safe, valued, special, appreciated and included. We want every child coming to our school to feel happy, content and confident, ready to embrace the day in our secure, caring and friendly environment.
However, some children face many challenges, which means that some of their social and emotional needs may be greater than those of others. From time to time, some children may need support with behaviour or anxiety or friendships and our large and dedicated pastoral team will help, when worry will otherwise cloud a child's learning. By using a consistent approach, we will help support and guide the children in our care, in a secure and friendly atmosphere, building on the element of trust and offering stability. By attuning to our children, we will be able to support them further.
We are also able to support or families for instance with financial claims, advice, medical appointments as well as with a large food bank that we distribute weekly from some of our local supermarkets.
Eden Park is an Operation Encompass school. This is a unique police and education, early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people who may have been exposed to domestic abuse.
Our Pastoral Team is hugely respected locally and at times children from outside the area with complex needs or in care are referred to Eden Park as a school that will do its very best.
Roles and responsibilities in the Pastoral team
Ben Wallis - Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead
Carrol Stephens - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead; CLA
Ian Morgan - Assistant Headteacher / SENDCo
Liz Thomas / Alison Black / Dee Bouyamourn - Behaviour and Family Support
Jane Orchard - School Operations Lead
"You personally, do such a great job with the children and it’s clear that they all hold you in great respect and trust that you’ll do right by them. Likewise, the pastoral team and the school as a whole. You’re an absolute credit to Torbay and education provision. Thanks for everything and don’t stop being amazing!” (local authority professional, 2022)
So happy with the school and how the teachers have been with my children (Parent survey comment, 2022)
Pastoral Team Direct Line - 01803 855300
The pastoral team at the school may be contacted either through the school phone number, or as a direct line 01803 855300 or via their email address.