Eden Park Primary School is proud to be inspected by Ofsted. This process allows us to demonstrate our commitment to providing an excellent education, safeguarding, and overall experience for every child who attends our school.

"Pupils thrive at this community-focused, friendly school"- Ofsted, 2023.
In June 2023, Ofsted rated us as:
- The Quality of Education: Good
- Behaviour and Attitudes: Good
- Personal Development: Good
- Leadership and Management: Good
- Early years provision Good
Previous inspection grade: Good
Click the link below to read our latest Ofsted report:
6736f935b4852274c4eb3640_Ofsted Report.PDF
"From the moment they start in the Nursery, children experience rich opportunities to learn language, including through sharing books."- Ofsted, 2023.
Leaders are developing a highly effective curriculum. All national curriculum subjects have carefully sequenced planning. Leaders have used their deep knowledge of the community to ensure that plans make very good use of the local area. Teachers utilise this planning to promote pupils’ learning across subjects in meaningful ways. As a result, pupils, including those with SEND, secure knowledge well and with increasing accuracy.
WHAT ofsted said ABOUT OUR Early Years SETTING:
Children make a flying start in the effective early years provision. Early years leaders are ambitious for all. Staff work to deliver leaders’ ambition with skill and enthusiasm. They encourage children to make the most of the learning opportunities provided. Positive relationships underpin the high expectations staff have for children. Children love the chance to learn and explore through well-planned activities.
WHAT ofsted said ABOUT personal development:
Opportunities in the curriculum to promote pupils’ personal development are plentiful. Staff do this very effectively. For example, assemblies and trips are used to promote an understanding of life in modern Britain. Trips and visits help pupils to appreciate their locality and their contribution to it.
"Trust and school leaders have worked together determinedly to build on the strengths of this community-centred school."- Ofsted, 2023.