School Uniform
Uniform fosters a sense of identity with the school, promotes a feeling of belonging and emits pride in the school. Much of the uniform is unisex.

Most of our uniform can be purchased from many supermarket chains/ high street retailers and there is no expectation to have the logo. We understand that costs can become high especially with young children who continue to grow.
The purchase of school uniform, with a current logo, is ordered directly through Riviera School Days (186 Union Street, Torquay. Tel: 293650) or from Lavendar Mob, (Union Lane, Brixham. Tel: 854822).
School Uniform
- Footwear: Children should wear black shoes or smart black trainers without logos and stripes. Only low-heeled shoes are allowed. These are for all year around for health and safety purposes (please no boots as these restrict movement).
- Sweatshirt: Green (available with school logo but also from many supermarket chains)
- Trousers/ Skirts: Grey/ black. All pupils are allowed to wear trousers. Skirts should be of an appropriate length.
- Shorts: Grey/ black school shorts only, not sports or cycle shorts.
- Polo shirt: White (available with school logo but also from many supermarket chains)
- Dresses: Green and white gingham style
- Fleece: Green, available full or short zip and with/without school logo
The School Does Not Wish To See
- Jewellery except for one pair of studs. These must be able to be removed for P.E. and Sport by the pupil.
- Make-up including nail varnish/polish.
- Tattoos (including transfer tattoos)
- High or narrow heeled shoes.
- Unconventional or dramatic hairstyles: added hair colours must be natural and subtle. Close shaved heads and patterns cut into hair or eyebrows are not acceptable. Very short hairstyles or extreme hairstyles (e.g., where some hair is very short, and the rest is not) are not acceptable.
- Skirts and dresses that are significantly above the knee.
- Tops that expose the midriff.
- Hoodies/sweatshirts replacing school jumpers. Year 6 are allowed to do this from June in their leaving term with a “Leavers Hoody”.
PE Sports Wear – Boys and Girls
- T-Shirt: Plain white t-shirt - also available from Riviera Schooldays/Lavender Mob with logo.
- Shorts: Plain, black or white – not cycle shorts (all children).
- Footwear: Every child must have a change of footwear for P.E. (plimsolls or trainers) Trainers are essential for outdoor PE. Foundation Stage and Key Stage One will often do indoor P.E. in bare feet.
- In cold weather, children may wear additional fleeces/ tracksuits for PE.
Colder Weather
Colder Weather (children may choose to wear):
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms.
- School sweatshirt / fleece / plain black sweatshirt or fleece (no hoodies).