Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Our MFL curriculum begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage. As a school, we enjoy spending time celebrating a wide variety of cultures so are proud to say that we have taken part in many events across the years to celebrate.

In EYFS, children are provided with opportunities to make sense of the world around them, as well as our community in Brixham. Similarly, children understand cultural diversity in many ways: sharing stories, watching video clips on cultural festivals, listening to different musical genres, learning dances, tasting food and trying on clothes from other cultures. In Reception, children learn to say hello, goodbye, yes and no in Spanish.
In KS1 children are introduced to Early Language and Core Vocabulary units so they become curious about the wider world.
From year 3 and 4, Autumn 1 learning is dedicated to recapping core vocabulary previously learnt as well as the phonetics of Spanish. Year 3 and 4 learn through our early language units, slowly progressing into our intermediate units as they develop and grown into Spanish speakers. In year 5 and 6 the children work hard on progressing deeper into the speaking of Spanish with their progressive language units.
Here at Eden Park, we strongly believe in making learning fun and relevant, so we have worked hard to ensure that the language being taught cross references with the learning enquires being taught in all year groups such as learning all about the Romans in ¾ and then World War II in year 5/6.
We all came together this year to celebrate national European languages day in a big video throughout the whole school. Check it out below!