Pastoral Care

Here, we ensure all children feel safe, valued, and belong. Our goal is for each child to be happy, confident, and ready for the day in a secure, caring place.

A pond with a green plant in the middle.
A pond with a green plant in the middle.
Positive development

Some children face greater challenges and need extra support. Our pastoral team offers consistent, caring guidance to ensure trust, stability, and help.

Operation Encompass

Eden Park is an Operation Encompass school. This is a police and education, early intervention safeguarding partnership that supports children and young people who may have witnessed domestic abuse.

Family Help

We’re able to aid our families with financial claims, advice on matters impacting daily life, medical appointments as well as with a large food bank that we distribute weekly from local partnerships.

Building on Trust

Our team builds positive relationships with children that enables effective working. They use different tools, such as ELSA, Morning Club and Lunch Club to aid in this, making children feel safe and they have a place to come.

Roles in the Pastoral Team

Ben Wallis - Headteacher/ Designated Safeguarding Lead
Carrol Stephens - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead; CLA
Ian Morgan - Assistant Headteacher/ SENDCo
Alison Black/ Jade Bolton/ Dee Bouyamourn/ Leah Perkes - Behaviour and Family Support

Pastoral Email:

A table with a sign that says "Potluck Air" on it.
A table with a sign that says "Potluck Air" on it.
Pastoral Care Team

Mrs Carrol Stephens

DDSL / Pastoral Support

Mrs Ali Black

Pastoral Support

Mrs Dee Bouyamourn

Pastoral Support

Mrs Jade Bolton

Pastoral Support

Mrs Leah Perkes

Pastoral Support
Useful resources
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Frequently asked questions
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Any questions?
Something you’re not sure about? Please ask us and we’ll be pleased to explain.
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