At Eden Park Primary School, we recognise that mathematics is essential in everyday life.

Maths Intent
At Eden Park Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that children can recognise the importance of maths in the world around them. The intent of our mathematics curriculum is to provide children with a foundation for understanding number, reasoning, thinking logically and becoming resilient problem solvers so that they are fully prepared for the future.
Mathematics at Eden Park delivers a high-quality and consistent curriculum, from Early Years through to Key Stage 2, that is both challenging and enjoyable; we produce children who are confident in their own knowledge and eager to push their own boundaries. It is our intent to develop pupils who are flexible in their approaches and are driven by a sense of curiosity about this beautiful, complex and rewarding subject. We want children to make connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, to reason mathematically and to problem solve with increasing sophistication. We want all children to enjoy mathematics and to experience success in the subject.
Maths Implementation
At Eden Park Primary School, we have adopted a coherent, rigorous and sequential approach to maths which is guided by the National Curriculum but shaped by Power Maths. Power Maths is a set of textbooks recommended by the Department for Education. Our Maths curriculum is ambitious and this starts in our Nurseries using the content from Development Matters, White Rose Maths and Power Maths, leading seamlessly into our Reception classes curriculum,
Power Maths is an inclusive and positive maths programme that nourishes real growth by helping children ask lots of questions, take risks and be unafraid of failure. It is a mastery scheme designed to spark curiosity and nurture confidence in maths. The programme, written by a group of leading experts, is aligned to the White Rose Maths progressions and schemes of learning. The high-quality textbooks provide a coherent structure and are designed to give children a deep understanding of mathematical principles, a precise and accurate vocabulary, excellent reasoning skills and a range of effective problem-solving techniques. Teachers adapt and innovate these lessons to ensure the needs of all the children are met.
In addition to their daily Power Maths lessons, times tables challenge lessons develop children’s fluency, speed and accuracy with multiplication and the corresponding division facts. Weekly A.P.E (Answer. Prove. Explain) lessons also provide opportunities for children to develop their reasoning using mathematical language.
Children complete termly summative assessments in the form of NFER tests and past SATs papers in Year 2 and 6. Teachers conduct detailed analysis of these assessments to inform their planning and guide future interventions.
Eden Park’s mathematics curriculum follows the school values of respect, teamwork, independence, creativity and well-being.
We consider a skill has been mastered when:
- A child can show it in multiple ways, using mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.
- A child demonstrates quick recall of facts and procedures. This includes automaticity of the times tables.
- Children can recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics.
- Children show confidence in believing that they will achieve and demonstrate a high level of pride in the presentation and understanding of the work.
Successful implementation of the Maths curriculum will result in fluent, able and fearless pupils who leave Eden Park with a life-long love of Maths.
What does Eden Park do well?
“Seeing children as individuals. Reading and maths support and wide subject matter in learning outcomes”
(Parent survey, 2024)
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