Our Art curriculum for KS1-KS2 follows four main themes of painting, drawing, sculpture and textiles work, and will also produce work on digital photography.

Our Art and Design curriculum aims at inspiring, engaging and supporting children to develop their creativity by harnessing imaginations and developing exploration and expression.
Children will be inspired by the creativity of the work of a diverse range and variety of artists from around the world and explore how the work of these artists and designers have shaped our culture. They will also look at the work of local artists and be inspired by art in our community of Brixham.
Children will be given time and space to think, to be peaceful and to allow themselves to be inspired. Children will be taught how important artistic creativity reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.
During their time at Eden Park, children will develop their skills in sketching, painting, drawing, textiles, sculpture and digital media. Children will experience working individually and collaboratively to allow cooperation, as well as independence, to flourish through a creative project.
Our aim is to ensure that children see the value and benefit of a range of art forms and its impact within our lives, giving each child opportunities to reach their full potential.