Family Support
Sometimes we all need a little help, not just the children. We encourage you to come and see us, we’d love to help.

Life can be hard sometimes or it may even feel like all the time. We want to work with you to help where we can. Come and speak to Mrs Stephens in the cabin or a member of the school team who can point you in the right direction. By working together we help not only the individual, but the family and the community as a whole.
We can direct you to the right services or just be a listening ear around issues that are impacting your family and children. By working through these we help the children feel more settled and the family unit become more harmonious.
Due to the cost of living many families are struggling, as such we have a food bank just inside the main front door, that is available to anyone who needs it. This is provided in conjunction with local partners and restocked regularly.
On this page, we will publish documents that we hope will help parents help their children as they journey through school.
These documents and website links are provided by external providers, but we feel that their content may well be of use. Educational support documents can be found also on this website and in this section.
As an open and friendly school, we are always willing to talk with you about the best ways that you can help make your child's education with us a happy and successful one, so please feel free to make an appointment to meet your child’s teacher. Alternatively, please make an appointment to meet with our SENDCO, Ian Morgan or our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Carrol Stephens for help and assistance.
Useful Websites:
Chicks – Children can be referred to CHICKS for a huge variety of reasons. They may be living in poverty, be young carers or be subject to neglect, bereavement, abuse, emotional distress or any other situation that causes the child to have a tough time at home.
British Dyslexia Association - Families that are concerned about Dyslexia
National Autistic Society - Families who wish to know more about Autism
YouTube Channel – Louise Michelle Bomber (every Wednesday at 10.30am short clip for foster carers, adoptive parents and kinship carers)
What does Eden Park do well?
“Support with families.” (Parent Survey, 2024)
“ Parents …appreciate the way that pupils are at the centre of everything the school does and that pupils are valued, cared for and respected.” (Ofsted, 2024)