Early Years Foundation Stage
Every day is a learning day and opportunities are all around us. We pride ourselves in ensuring that all children thrive in our loving, caring environment.

Eden Park’s Early Years Foundation Stage is made up of two Reception classes (Ladybirds and Grasshoppers) and two Nurseries (Frogs and Tadpoles).
Our Nurseries and Reception classes follow the Eden Park Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which has been carefully designed to meet the needs of all the children in the setting. Our Reception Teachers and Nursery Manager work closely together to ensure consistency of practice, as well as providing enabling environments for children to thrive in and lead happy, healthy and active lives.
Through sharing our practice, our curriculum includes a progressive bank of core knowledge and skills for the children to master during their time in Early Years. We have a clear understanding of the schools’ core values which are incorporated into everyday practice and work alongside the British Values. These are RESPECT, CREATIVITY, INDEPENDENCE, TEAMWORK and WELLBEING.
No matter each child’s starting point, we have high expectations which are aspirational for all. Our intention is to provide each child with a passion for learning, enabling them to become lifelong learners. Our ambitious curriculum ensures that the children are given a good foundation to their education and are prepared for the next stage in their learning journey. Consideration has been given to the specific content in EYFS ensuring there is progression into Year 1. Children will use their prior learning and enjoy deepening and enriching it as they journey through Key Stage 1.