Useful Information
Here you’ll find a range of resources and forms you may need to support your child’s school journey. If you need any further support please contact the office.

Frequently asked questions
You can volunteer - please speak to the school office or request a conversation with Mrs Hart our Year 6 teacher, who co-ordinates volunteers.
Complete an absence request form with as much detail as possible, with as much notice as possible, and hand this in to the school office. Please note we are unable to authorise any holidays during term time.
The school takes children who are funded and those who pay.
We have two nurseries on site. Children can join Tadpoles Nursery from the term after they turn 2 years old. Children who are older join our Frogs nursery.
We hold Parents' Evenings in school in the Autumn Term and Spring Term, as well as provide a full report at the end of the academic year in the Summer Term (there are also Parents' Evenings appointments on request at this time). We welcome parents/carers to speak to class teachers for updates at any point in the academic year as they will be more than happy to meet with you. For children with additional needs, parents will get updates more regularly from the class teacher and are welcome to meet with the SENDCo, Mr Ian Morgan, who is also one of our Assistant Headteachers.
Please see our Curriculum page or the Individual Year Group pages for more specific information on the learning that takes place here at Eden Park. In addition to this please speak to you child's class teacher.
The best way to communicate with your child's class teacher is at drop-off in the morning or at collection at home time for short conversations (please bare in mind that at drop-off the teacher will have children in their care so may not be able to give a large amount of time). For longer conversations please phone the school office to speak to them or arrange an appointment. Alternatively you can email them directly.
They can volunteer by contacting the school office or requesting a conversation with Mrs Hart our Year 6 teacher, who co-ordinates volunteers.
This can be done via class teachers, the school office or questionnaires that are sent out by the school. Further to this current families are also welcome to email a member of the Senior Leadership Team, but as a school we ask that you have discussed anything with your child's class teacher in the first instance.
This is all handled by Torbay Admissions -
It is important children are in school, on time. We understand occasionally people are late or unwell and this cannot be avoided. On the rare occasions this is the case please phone the school office, leave a voicemail or inform us via the Arbor app.
Please see our homework policy and individual year group pages for more information, but homework is set for children regularly on a Friday and due in the following Friday.
We do have a uniform policy and more information on the uniform can be found on our uniform page.
We have a zero tolerance apporach to bullying and we work with all children to understand what bullying is, how to be kind, and how to be inclusive to all children regardless of their needs or background.
Wellbeing is important and as such is one of our 5 core values, the children know this as the character Willow Wellbeing. As well as the relationship the children build with the key adults in their teams (which helps them feel heard, belong and understood), the school has a dedicated pastoral support team that work with children who need some extra support. Additional parts of this provision include the 'Welcome Club' before school as a calm and settled start, and the 'Lunchtime Club' for those who find the playground a struggle.