Our Science curriculum for KS1-KS2 follows four main themes: Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
About this curriculum
There is an expectation that children will use their prior learning to build on as they journey through Eden Park. Children will reach an end point where their understanding of Science has been strengthened and deepened through this purposefully mapped out curriculum.
In Early Years, children will encounter Science through ‘Understanding the World’. Here children will look at people and communities and are helped to make sense of their physical world. They will leave Early Years having been encouraged to explore and problem solve. Children are well prepared for their Y1 learning on the weather through their daily discussions and observations of weather conditions and seasons. Year 1 builds on this prior learning and extends it through their fieldwork studies. The EYFS curriculum is mindful of how their curriculum can be used to create the foundations of prior knowledge which we build upon as children journey through Year 1 and KS1.