Breakfast & After School Clubs
Booking system changes
A reminder that from Monday 16th April, any children who require sessions in the Breakfast & After School Clubs must be booked in online by visiting and selecting the Parent Login option. Parents/carers were recently issued with their account login details via text and email, enabling you to book in the sessions you require up to a half term in advance. We hope that families will find this system much easier to manage, as sessions can be booked on a weekly basis, or as needed. The new charges are:
Breakfast Club 8:00-8:45am—£3.00 per session
After School Club 3:15-6:00pm—£7.50 per session
The system is now open should you want to make bookings for the first half of the summer term. Please be aware that we cannot accept children in to the clubs without advance booking and payment. Families wishing to use their employer’s childcare voucher scheme must contact the office as soon as possible to book in for the dates they require. Thank you for bearing with us during this transition period.