Reception Classes

Building from the learning in our nurseries our Reception classes continue our learning journey aligned to the EYFS curriculum developed by the school, and promote our 5 core values.  

Positive development

There is a smooth transition into Reception. The team work closely with the nurseries to ensure  consistency, and enable environments for children to thrive.

Step Inside Our Provision

Continuous provision is linked to a story or ‘learning experience’. With a vocabulary rich provision in mind, our ever-changing provision has the children’s interests at heart and an aim to offer opportunities to develop children’s next steps.

Reading, Writing and maths

Children in Reception learn to read and write via our Read, Write, Inc. programme, as well as in adult-led activities, interwoven throughout their continuous provision. We have seen brilliant results using Read Write Inc. and are proud to be using the scheme.

Children are taught daily maths adult-led sessions, which children are encouraged to explore in their own play. At Eden Park, we deliver maths using a ‘mastery’ approach. More information can be found in our guide for parents.

meet the team

Miss Rowe is the teacher in Ladybirds.
Mrs McCrum is the teacher in Grasshoppers.
Miss Drysdale is the higher-level teaching assistant across both classrooms.
Miss Gulliver is our part time teaching assistant.

Daily life in foundation

P.E. days:
P.E. takes place on a Thursday afternoon -children are expected to arrive wearing their P.E. kits until the second half of the Spring term.

Reading and Phonics:
We follow the Read Write Inc programme and children are encouraged to read regularly. We share stories with the children throughout our learning and the day.

Home Learning:
Home learning tasks are set of Tapestry each Friday and are due in the following Friday.

We are avid users of Tapestry to share your child’s learning experience with you. For more information please speak to a member of the team who will be more than happy to assist.

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